The leading Climate Intelligence Platform for
Automated Data Collection
Supply Chain Decarbonization
Informed Decision Making

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Embed Carbon into Decision Making

Harness the capabilities of climate-focused data and AI to instantly address unanswered questions with climate-specific data, on demand.

Automate data collection to boost productivity

Refocus on high-impact climate initiatives by automating manual tasks like research, benchmarking, and trend monitoring.

Enhance leadership with Scope 3 Action

Anchor your climate program and reporting in evidence-based methods to meet increasing internal and external demands.

What our customers say

"We have screened more than 300 carbon accounting and data tools. The data aggregation of The Climate Choice is a dream."

Andreas Sokolowski
Head of Infrastructure, T-Systems

"The partner program with The Climate Choice helps us to increase the climate-relevant transparency of our supply chain. With their software tool, we gain comparable data and thus improve cooperation along the supply chain with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions generated there."

Dr. Johannes Knubben
Head of Sustainability Management, HiPP

"The partner program with The Climate Choice provides important insights for the decarbonization of Telefónica Germany in Scope 3. It offers support to our suppliers in their climate transformation and we can get more transparency and comparable data on climate performance in our supply chain."

Joachim Sandt
Senior Corporate Responsibility Manager, o2 Telefónica

"The Climate Performance Assessment helps us to understand where we stand in the climate transformation and how we are assessed accordingly. The assessment enabled us to check internally whether we are on the right track and whether the goals are ambitious enough in all areas. In this way, our current status can now be located in a very concrete way."

Katrin Discher
Director Sustainability, TRILUX Group

Empowering Leading
Companies to Achieve Scope 3 Goals


  • o2 Telefónica
  • TRILUX Group
  • T-Systems
  • Lenovo
  • EnBW
Climate Readiness Rating 2

Understand supplier-specific
climate-related risks
& opportunities

You want to drive CO2 reduction in your supply chain, but don’t know where to start? The Climate Performance Assessment helps you gather audit-ready and comparable supplier-specific data and benchmarks.

The software-driven assessment ist aligned with leading reporting standards (ESRS E1 Climate Change, ISSB, GHG Protocol, SBTi) and sets the basis for a suppliers’ decarbonization and engagement.

Climate Ready Supply Chain

Scope 3 Decarbonization

Scope 3 decarbonization focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions across a company’s entire value chain, from suppliers to end-users.

The Climate Intelligence Platform aids in this effort by providing an easy, scalable and cost-efficient solution to gather and analyze company-specific data. This enables companies to integrate climate as a decision metric and engage more effectively with their business partners.

CLIMATE Solutions

Scale your climate supplier

Companies need supplier-specific data to achieve Scope 3 targets and face key-challenges such as annual data collection from 1.000s of suppliers, data validation, supplier assessment fatigue and a lack of incentives for suppliers to decarbonize.

The Climate Intelligence Platform addresses these and other key challenges to achieve climate targets in Scope 3. It automates audit-ready data acquisition, provides benchmarks to suppliers and uses artificial intelligence to data from public sources such as CRS Reports.


Enabling a segmented
engagement approach

The close collaboration with suppliers is the key success factor to ensuring alignment on emission reduction targets for Scope 3. For this, the Climate Intelligence Platform provides intelligence and guidance to engage suppliers based on their individual climate maturity enabling a segmented engagement approach.

Provide your suppliers with educational resources, insights and guidance on decarbonization best practices as well as industry- and customer-based benchmarking solutions for alignment across climate strategy, -data and -targets.

Awarded as “Best Digital Solution” by


  • European Commission
  • European DIGITAL SME Alliance
  • European Innovation Council

Download the free Climate Playbook 2023
including Best Practices for Scope 3 Decarbonization

Climate Management
aligned with
international standards

  • TCFD
  • GHG Protocol


Become a climate transformation expert and learn more about climate neutral business from the Climate Community.

Our Partners

  • BearingPoint
  • myclimate
  • elocompanion
  • amc Group
  • Wifor Institut

The Climate Choice in the News