Is your Supply Chain
Climate Ready?

The Climate Intelligence Platform helps companies integrate climate as a decision metric into purchasing processes to achieve their Scope 3 goals faster.

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Climate as decision metric

The Climate Intelligence Platform provides auditable, supplier-specific data.

Process Automation

Automatically collect data from thousands of suppliers without burdening your purchasing team.

Supplier support

Suppliers receive knowledge resources and recommended actions according to their climate maturity level.

Climate Sourcing

Annual data collection from 1.000s of suppliers

No more Excel spreadsheets. The Climate Intelligence Platform provides tools to automate the acquisition and management of supplier-specific climate-related data.

Via AI-driven supplier screenings as well as digital assessments, the Climate Intelligence Platform enables you to collect audit-ready data on suppliers and integrate climate as a decision metric in procurement.

ClimateAudit Ready Climate Rating Audits

Audit-ready, supplier-specific Data

Collect documented data from suppliers and climate performance scores  of your suppliers. Obtain benchmarks, year-to-year comparisons and actionable reporting through dashboards which ensures ongoing control of engagement results, core KPIs and aggregated metrics.

Climate Readiness Rating

Engage & Incentivize suppliers

The Climate Intelligence Platform starts where internal accounting tools end. Customer-specific and industry benchmarks support and incentivize suppliers to improve their own climate performance. Thereby, suppliers and customers can start a dialog in a transparent way to actively pursue climate targets.


Hosted ISO/IEC 27001

Hosted in Germany

What our customers say

"The pilot project with The Climate Choice provides important insights for the decarbonisation of Telefónica Germany in Scope 3. It offers support to our suppliers in their climate transformation and we can get more transparency and comparable data on climate performance in our supply chain."

Joachim Sandt
Senior Corporate Responsibility Manager, O2 Telefónica

"The partner programme with The Climate Choice helps us to increase the climate-relevant transparency of our supply chain. With their software tool, we gain comparable data and thus improve cooperation along the supply chain with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions generated there. We are looking forward to the joint programme."

Dr. Johannes Knubben
Head of Sustainability Management, HiPP

"We must no longer operate at the expense of future generations. The Climate Choice supports companies in becoming climate responsible. That's good, because the time for talk is over, now it's time for action."

Cornelia Steinecke
Team Leader Business Customers, Green Planet Energy eG

Start decarbonizing your
supply chain today and achieve CO2 savings