CLIMATE TRANSFORMATION Community – International decision makers join #CTS2022 to share Best-Practices for Decarbonisation

We could not be more excited! The CLIMATE TRANSFORMATION Summit 2022 is less than two months away and we’re super happy to share with you who is going to join #CTS2022 and will be sharing insights, challenges and Best-Practices with you. Please meet our #CTS2022 Ecosystem!

Let’s get started: Your personal Program, 100% online & 100% interactive

The agenda of the Summit is already ready and so are we! As the latest update of the sixth IPCC Assessment Report highlights once again, the time to act is NOW. The good news are: Technically, we have all the solutions right there and at our fingertips to make a successful Climate Transformation possible. But, it needs us to get them implemented. Everyone of us, as employee, employer or decision maker, as climate officer, procurement leader or budget owner. We need to take climate relevant decisions to get active and decrease emissions drastically. Within the next 8 years around 50%. The challenge is on and accepted! 

That’s why we’ve gathered over 50 Climate Pioneers, Experts, Practitioners and Decision-Makers to share their current challenges as well as Best-Practices at CLIMATE TRANSFORMATION Summit 2022. We welcome you to a two-days interactive program, full of insights, time for learnings and networking. 100% online and live. 

At this year’s third edition of, on the 2nd and 3rd of June, a wide range of speakers come together to share with you their individual steps towards a comprehensive, climate compatible transformation and provide their insights on Supply Chain Transformation, Decarbonisation Data & IT, Infrastructure for Transformation, Emission Management and the International Climate Community.

Join and become part of the CLIMATE Community!

Supply Chain Decarbonisation: A Game-Changer

We all know: Reducing emissions is hard enough. But it gets even harder if you want to get to the root of it: The value chain, where up to 90% of the total corporate emissions typically are generated. Hence, the biggest lever of a successful Climate Transformation is the supply chain. This brings a huge shift in climate management as the highest potential for companies to reduce CO2 emissions lies in supplier management as well as in climate relevant procurement decisions! So how can climate and procurement leaders work together to make this change happen? This is what we explore together at #CTS2022. Because we are all just getting started and it needs all of us to get it right. 

This is why, we can’t wait to learn more from our speakers, who come from international corporations such as Microsoft, IBM, Telefónica Germany, SIEMENS and Nestlé as well as from CLIMATE Pioneers such as WWF, Project Drawdown and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact (PIK)! All of them are ready to share valuable business insights with you into how their organisation is tackling the biggest opportunity of our time: The Climate Transformation! 

“Data is the new oil

In an ever more connected world, having reliable data is needed for any kind of business decision. So what is it about climate relevant data? 

The first topic is obvious: Calculating Scope 3 (indirect) emissions of a corporate carbon footprint – the emissions that occur along the entire supply chain – is indispensable. Up until today, those are hard to measure as not all data is available. The second topic around climate relevant data is a little hidden. It is formed around the question: How do you measure and track how well companies are managing their Climate Transformation? How are they setting up climate targets, how are they implementing reduction efforts and how well are they managing internal and external climate risks? All these questions occur today, especially in the financial world. Investors and financial institutions – but also customers and business partners – want to understand if a specific company will be negatively affected by climate change or is turning into a Climate Champion. Therefore, one needs to manage climate related ESG data, which is reflecting the governance, strategy, risks and metrics of companies around climate. 

At #CTS2022, we will explore all of these data needs in different panels and fireside chats. Especially Decarbonisation Data & IT Experts will come together and share their experiences on how data can be successfully used for decarbonisation and showcase cutting-edge innovations. We can’t wait to see what practitioners such as Microsoft, IBM, SINE Foundation and many more have in store for the successful Climate Transformation!

Keeping track of the emissions!

So we see already that advanced knowledge and technology can be used for monitoring and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from business operations. Therefore, we are happy to present innovative emission management solutions and enabling services as Climate Pioneers at our online fair – such as myclimate, First Climate, BearingPoint, greenmiles and Planted. Get to know them as exhibitors, schedule a call or explore their virtual booth, and learn how you can implement comprehensive CO2 management.

In addition, in the various Panels, interactive Fire-Side-Chats, Deep-Dive Workshops and Speed-Networking sessions, it is all about you! All participants will become part of the vibrant CLIMATE Community and have the opportunity to get involved and active! Present your insights during each session and exchange best-practices with others, work together on decarbonisation and Climate Transformation. This way, the day after the Summit, you can get started in your company, with new business partners, community support or know-how. You don’t want to miss out on that!

Why does it need a Climate Action Community? 

As stated by research from the United Nations, the Sustainable Development Goal (SGD) number 17: Partnerships is the single most powerful goal as it affects all other goals such as Safety, Health, Education, Biodiversity, Climate and so on. 

In order to make the monumental task of decarbonisation of companies and their supply chains possible, we need a strong and motivated international community that works together on not only setting climate targets but also implementing them in terms of strong actions, along supply chains. This is why we are so glad to build up an open-minded, respectful and supportive CLIMATE Community at the CLIMATE TRANSFORMATION Summit 2022! 

Meet the international Community at #CTS2022

We are very honored to have so many amazing international and local players being part of the Community. Climate pioneers such as Project Drawdown, B.A.U.M. e.V., GreenBiz, Futurewoman, WWF Germany and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) will be presenting through their speakers and workshop hosts insights from the international Climate Transformation. Be prepared for the most recent scientific findings and biggest potentials for decarbonisation. Join and contribute, together we make the Climate Transformation happen!

You want to dig deeper? Take a look below at the first overview of the #CTS2022 Ecosystem Line-Up. We’re super thankful to have such diverse and impressive speakers participating in the Summit, coming from different industries and tackling the climate crisis in their own individual ways to make the transformation work! If you want to become part of this ecosystem yourself, you can still apply here

Always in the making – be a part of #CTS2022!

Just like in nature, the #CTS2022 ecosystem can only function if all participants are on board and pull together in one direction. Therefore, we would like to say THANK YOU for your great support and motivation – you are making it all possible!

To make real change happen we need to go beyond the „Climate Bubble”, raising awareness amongst the wider business community. This is the mission of the Summit: Making Climate Transformation available for companies and their entire supply chains. Therefore, the CLIMATE TRANSFORMATION Summit invites all Decision-Makers, Climate Officers, Green-Tech Entrepreneurs, Freelancers, Researchers and interested parties who now want to implement relevant measures and best practices of the Climate Transformation.

We are happy to have you joining! Get your ticket here and join the CLIMATE Community, be part of #CTS2022 and make decarbonisation happen.