Scope 3 Action Group: Mastering Decarbonization Together!

06/27/2024 | Reading time: 6 minutes

We did it again! The second Scope 3 Action Group Batch had its grand finale, on a wonderful summer day in Berlin. We’re super excited about the groups achievements and happy to share that you can now apply for the next Batch, kicking of in October. The Scope 3 Action Group brings together corporate decision makers, sustainability experts and procurement leaders, all focused on turning climate targets into actions.

Find out in the following all about why climate action in the supply chain matter, the Scope 3 Action Group and how you can join. Let’s go!

Scope 3 Action Group 2024 Spring
Scope 3 Action Group, Batch 2, March – July 2024.

Why we’re Making Scope 3 Action our Business

Join us, mingle with peers, and meet sustainability and procurement leaders from across industries – alumni from the Scope 3 Action Group are among others from EnBW, Continental, Katjes, Asklepios, Yanfeng, TeamViewer, and Drees & Sommer.

Today, over 4,000 companies worldwide have set science-based targets. They are committed to significantly reducing emissions and operating in line with the Paris Climate Goal. However, a look at the value chain quickly shows that decarbonization must begin not only in your own company, but especially in ‘Scope 3’. Quicker said than done. At the interface between internal climate management and external supplier processes, there is often a lack of data and structures to shape the common path to net zero.

The decarbonization of the supply chain will continue to be one of the biggest challenges of sustainable transformation in 2024. As international regulations, market requirements, and customers urgently call for emission reductions within global supply chains, the Scope 3 Action Group offers you a unique opportunity to gain actionable insights and best practices from the Climate Community.

Isabelle Fischer

My name is Isabelle Fischer, Operations Manager at The Climate Choice. I am pleased to introduce you to how we work with companies in the Scope 3 Action Group to overcome this challenge together.

Companies are facing the Black Box “Scope 3”

‘Scope 3’ stands for a lot of things – but not just reported CO2 emissions! Rather, it is about understanding where emissions arise, how suppliers manage them and what paths they take to reduce them in the long term. So it’s all about governance, strategy, goals, measures and yes, especially the results! All of this information together creates a supplier’s “climate readiness level”.

The “Scope 3 challenge” is therefore complex. In order to significantly reduce the so-called “Scope 3 emissions” or “supply chain emissions”, collaboration with suppliers is absolutely necessary.

Sustainability & Procurement Leaders face an increasing number of Questions

  1. How do I get a quick overview of the climate readiness of hundreds of my suppliers?
  2. What data do I collect for this and how?
  3. How can I collect this data regularly, automatically and verified?
  4. How do I use this information to derive targeted measures?
  5. Finally, how can I ensure the development of my suppliers and track progress?

We are addressing these and many other practical questions about Scope 3 in the Scope 3 Action Group, which is going into in the next round in October! This year I am very pleased to accompany the cross-industry group in the 4-month learning program and to support them in advancing their climate protection measures in the supply chain.

What’s it about: From Climate Goals to Scope 3 Action

Scope 3 Action Group 2024

After the successful completion of the second group, in which a total of 16 companies went through the three modules of the program, the third batch is now open for applications!

We put great importance to the three values: network, further training and implementation. This means that the focus is on the exchange between the participants and learning with – and from – each other. In addition, practical learnings can be implemented directly in your own company. We rely on a mix of companies of different sizes and industries.

From international corporations like ContiTech and Nordex, to hidden champions like Trox and Hipp, to small and medium-sized companies such as VILSA. Because it is precisely the exchange of diverse perspectives that brings added value for everyone. What does the challenge look like for a purchasing company, what is the position of an OME, how does the role of suppliers in the DACH region differ from Asian suppliers?

Exciting: Among the Scope 3 Group alumni are also companies from the digital sector, e.g. Teamviewer and Atruvia, who already combine sustainability and digitalization in their business model. We’ll start together the next Scope 3 Action Group Batch on October 17th, in person in our office in Berlin, to master the Scope 3 challenge together this year. The rest of the journey will happen online (recordings afterwards for the whole group available), until our final event in February 2025. Find all dates already in the FAQs here.


All members of the Scope 3 Action Group are committed to reducing emissions along the supply chain and achieving net zero by 2050 at the latest. Some track much shorter time periods. The bar is high. At the same time, it is important to comply with global guidelines and adapt processes internally and externally. A big task for anyone who works in the sustainability team or in purchasing.

The group therefore offers the network to exchange questions and design solutions. The exchange of basics, best practices and special tricks will take you further, step by step.

We specifically go through the three modules: Climate Management, Supplier Engagement and Scope 3 Roadmapping – and in every step we share the experiences we have gained in working with our customers and their use of our Climate Intelligence Platform. For the implementation of a climate supplier program and the analysis of climate maturity in the supply chain, we provide all members of the group with a 1-year access to the Climate Intelligence Platform.

We also invite additional experts for each module. In master classes they share their insights into Scope 3 calculation, science-based targets and supplier data for sustainable purchasing. We are very pleased that you are there as partners of the Scope 3 Action Group, myclimate, amc group and WiFor Institute!

As a final result, all members of the Scope 3 Action Group develop a Scope 3 Action roadmap for their own supplier engagement strategy and conclude the program with our specially developed Master Plan for Scope 3 decarbonization based on real data.

Become a Scope 3 Action Leader

Scope 3 Action Group

Get on the Waiting List for the next Scope 3 Action Group Batch Autumn 2024 (Start: October 17th 2024 – End: February 13th 2025) and secure one of the limited spots!

Please note: In order to ensure a good composition of the group with motivated participants, we offer a non-binding, personal interview as the first step in the application process.

I’m looking forward to our conversation!