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Growing demand for corporate climate ratings – SMEs use Climate Readiness Check for entry in climate transformation
02/03/2022- Leading mid-sized companies such as Trilux, elobau, enretec and Green IT use specialized climate rating from The Climate Choice to analyze their own climate performance
- Most important reasons for undergoing the climate assessment are improved preparation for increasing information requirements from customers, climate-relevant benchmarking and the identification of potentials and action fields for CO2 reduction
Berlin, February 3, 2022 – German SMEs are increasingly relying on specialized climate ratings to analyze and disclose their own climate maturity. On the one hand, this is due to increased information requirements from business customers – as Thomas Lesser, Managing Director at the IT system house Green IT, states: “The topic of sustainability is becoming more and more important within exchange with our customers. Since they want to comply with the climate standards themselves, they increasingly value partners who already take into account the balance of ecological, social and economic responsibility.” Green IT therefore conducted the Climate Readiness Check by Berlin-based startup The Climate Choice. “The fact that we disclose our climate activities and have them evaluated helps us a lot in our customer dialog. For us, the Climate Readiness Check is an important basis for transparent communication, our credibility and helps us to lead by example.”
There is also an increasing need for comparable scores for appropriate benchmarking. Katrin Discher, Director Sustainability at the TRILUX Group, the German market leader for technical luminaires, explains, “It is important for customers, suppliers and partners that there is a uniform, comparable scoring system that is also easy to make use of. There are some internationally acknowledged but very complex scoring systems that SMEs can only use at extremely high expense. That’s why it’s great that we’ve been in close contact with The Climate Choice for a long time and have been able to undergo the Climate Readiness Check. The topic is an important building block in our international sustainability strategy.”
The waste management company enretec also faces the challenge of tackling the complexity of the different dimensions of climate-compatible business. Michael Blöcher, Head of Quality and Environmental Management & Regulatory Affairs, therefore acknowledges the quick overview provided by the Climate Rating: “In day-to-day business, an SME lacks the resources to familiarize itself comprehensively with the many aspects of climate transformation. Here, the Climate Readiness Check has given us a very good orientation in a very efficient way, which we want to incorporate into our work.”
In addition to a detailed overview through the Climate Readiness Check, elobau, the leading supplier of contactless sensor technology, also benefited from the Climate data platform. The software-platform provides specific fields of action for CO2 reductions as well as connecting points to corresponding partner solutions. Pascal Schwarz, Sustainability & Energy Management Officer at elobau, explains: “The Climate Readiness Check survey showed us targeted and valuable climate potentials, we are now pursuing. In addition, we really liked the best-practice sharing model. It’s exciting to see which companies are high performers in each area.”
About the Climate Readiness Check
The Climate Readiness Check is the only industry-independent climate rating tool that offers companies a structured, software-driven analysis of their own climate performance. The software-based assessment functions as a climate-focused ESG (Environmental Social Governance) rating and is based on internationally acknowledged sustainability reporting standards. The analysis illustrates a company’s climate potential and strengths in five dimensions: Impact Model, Strategic Management, Transparency, Climate Impact and Environmental Action. In action-oriented CLIMATE scorecards, the data becomes visible on The Climate Choice’s SaaS platform, enabling structured climate management. The collected data can be shared with requesting customers and business partners, bringing transparency all the way down the supply chain. Since up to 90% of all emissions occur in the supply chain, collaboration with customers as well as suppliers beyond the company’s own boundaries is crucial for achieving climate goals.
THE CLIMATE CHOICE is the climate data-driven B2B platform for decarbonizing companies and their supply chains. Reliable climate ratings support companies and suppliers to record their climate-relevant opportunities, potentials and risks in a structured way. The SaaS platform visualizes climate data, enabling transparent and improved collaboration along the supply chain. Additionally, it shows precisely fitting decarbonization actions in 9 impact categories from validated partners.