How Software Drives Compliance with Supply Chain Due Diligence

Read about insights & learnings from one year German Supply Chain Due Diligence Law (LkSG) and prepare for CSDDD

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The Climate Choice - How software drives compliance with supply chain due diligence Titel

How Software Drives Compliance with Supply Chain Due Diligence

This Whitepaper explores the pivotal role of software solutions in aiding businesses to adhere to legal due diligence requirements, focusing on Supply Chain Due Diligence.

It explores practical learnings from the German LkSG (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz) by the amc Group and The Climate Choice. By examining specific law provisions, the paper delves into how software tools facilitate risk analysis, implement preventive measures, establish complaint procedures, and fulfill documentation/reporting obligations.

What the Whitepaper explores:

  • Leveraging software for risk analysis (§ 5 LKSG)
  • Embedding Preventive Measures (§ 6 LkSG)
  • Establishing a Complaints Procedure (§ 8 LkSG)
  • Documentation and Reporting (§ 10 LkSG)
  • Quality Requirements of Software
  • Costs Associated with Software Usage (LkSG)

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