Why should I attend the #CTS2022?
Hello again and welcome to the second blog entry on this year’s CLIMATE TRANSFORMATION Summit, here is Chiara, the Event Project Manager of the Summit. In case you missed the first blog post and do not want to leave anything behind, I suggest you read here before proceeding.
Three weeks have passed since we last spoke and SO MUCH has happened! Everyday we have had super interesting calls with potential speakers, exhibitors, workshop hosts and media partners and I can assure you that the #CTS2022 will be a great learning and networking experience!
You don’t have a ticket yet? Register here and enjoy the Early Bird Discount, only available for a limited amount of time!
That’s a very good question and the answer is: Climate Data & Supply Chain Transformation. These two will respectively be the focus points of the 2 days of the Summit, happening on the 2nd & 3rd June 2022.
The Supply Chain is where the majority of corporate CO2 emissions stem from, and is also the most difficult aspect to tackle, as it is (mostly) out of one’s control. However, at the #CTS2022 we want to show how Climate Data and Procurement are intrinsically related and how the only way to REALLY change things is to take responsibility beyond the borders of your company.
The Decarbonisation of the Supply Chain is a highly debated topic and we read it more and more often on the news. The European Commission has recently adopted a proposal for a Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence, which aims to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour throughout global value chains. This means that soon corporations will need to identify and if necessary, prevent, end or mitigate adverse impacts of their activities on human rights and on the environment. This is easier said than done, and it will be the main focus of the #CTS2022!
Of course not! Even if the CLIMATE TRANSFORMATION Summit is 100% online, it is also 100% live! This means that all attendees will have the opportunity to connect and chat with the people present, to exchange contact information and interact with one another. We want to offer you a great experience and will make sure to deliver it to you!
#StayTuned to find out the technical details for the #CTS2022, coming up soon!
I guess you are all dying to know more about the agenda of the Summit and I’m here to tell you exactly this.
Each day we will start with a Keynote Speech, where Sustainability Experts and Practitioners will give impactful insights linked to the Decarbonisation of the Supply Chains. Why? It’s always good to hear from the experts their viewpoints and it’s a good way to get you started on the summit.
How can companies and corporates improve their sustainability performance, if they don’t know where they’re standing? To have clear and reliable climate data it’s equally important and hard for companies, and this will be the starting point of discussion during the First Main Panel. I bet you cannot wait to hear what will come out of this Panel – neither can I!
After having “passively” heard our Speakers, it’s time to get into action and participate in one of the selected Workshops! We will have around 5 Workshops happening simultaneously and attendees will register in advance to their most preferred ones (one for each day). This is the time where attendees can actively contribute and participate in what our Workshop hosts prepared for them – details on the workshops will soon be published on the ClimateSummit.de!
And then what’s next? After the workshops it’s time to visit our amazing CLIMATE Online Fair! Start-ups and Innovators, providing B2B climate solutions will welcome you at their virtual Exhibitor Booth, where they will present you their services and products. So you will have the chance to get your personal deep dive into climate transformation. You certainly don’t want to miss what is out there. You aim to become an exhibitor yourself, you can still apply to become one here.
Last but not least, the afternoon will be all about the interactive Fireside Chats, where three speakers at a time will exchange ideas and experiences on the chosen topic. Additionally, the moderators of the panel discussions will ask questions coming from the audience via the live chat.
The program is truly exciting and interactive, the line up of the Speakers is very promising – anything that is still missing is you! Check out the agenda here and get ready to join!
I hope this gave you an overview of what the Summit will all be about, but the only way to truly be part of the climate transformation is by attending it! We are looking forward to meeting you in June.
Get your ticket now and join the CLIMATE Community!
Any question remained? Please feel free to write to me, I am happy to help.